The South Brisbane Sailing Club has been a proud member of the West End, Hill End and South Brisbane communities since it was formed in 1903.
Since moving to our current location at 68 Hill End Terrace End in 1956, the Club has formed close associations with many local groups and families. Our hall is a popular venue for social gatherings and community meetings, and is used by other sporting clubs, including the West End Canoe Club and the Brisbane Road Runners Club.
As a Council-owned facility we are obliged to ensure the hall is accessible and used by other community groups.
Brisbane City Council's Good Neighbour Policy guides our approach to understanding neighbour suggestions or concerns.

If you have any questions or comments about the use of this facility, please contact our Community Liason Officer (CLO) using the contact form on this web site.
Our Community Liaison Officer will work with you and all parties to address your concerns. It will help if you are specific about your feedback.
As a volunteer organisation we will do our best to respond to your query in a timely way.